Retail Therapy- Spring Goodwill

What do you do when you need a lift in your spirits and in your closet? Call a friend to hit up the local Goodwill!

Tangerine Tea is quicker in the aisles than Winter Bee, but that’s okay. We are a good balance of taking our time and knowing what we are looking for. Plus, we have a good time bouncing ideas off each other. It stinks that we can’t try clothes on in the Goodwill stores in CT yet, and they don’t take returns, so you need to be discerning with what you purchase!

Before we get in the checkout line, we do a quick confer about what’s in the carriage. What will you pair the item with? Can you get several outfits out of it? Is it a duplicate to something already in your closet? Is it a ‘like it’ or ‘love it’? Invariably, there’s something that won’t make the cut.

We also learned on this trip that we need to take more pictures while we’re in the store!

Tangerine Tea:

I was SO excited when Pam called and asked if I wanted to take a trip to Goodwill! I had not been thrifting in awhile and this was the perfect timing.

When I saw this striped shirt, I was sold. I immediately starting thinking about occasions I could wear it and how the rest of the outfit would look. The fabric, unfortunately, is not very forgiving. Even though I can get it on and it may look like it fits, it just is not comfy!

Like we mentioned above, we cannot use the dressing rooms right now at Goodwill, so I did not find out until I got home and tried on this shirt that the arms were a little too tight. This is one area I often struggle with when shopping for tops, so I was not really surprised. I like to think of ways I can still make this shirt work, but ultimately, I will probably donate it back.

Walking into the store, I knew I wanted to try to find a pair of jeans. I tend to wear ripped jeans a lot lately, and I wanted to get a pair of non-ripped jeans. Luckily I found near perfect jeans! The perfect length and fit around my legs. I is a little loose around the waist, but nothing a cute belt can’t fix.

My favorite find was this beautiful blue sweater! The rich color really caught my attention. My original intention was to be able to wear this sweater to work, but the way the arms are wider towards the body, I see this more as a casual sweater. Either way, I love it!

Winter Bee:

I could not wait to get the light aqua sweater on my body! I was praying it was going to fit and look good. It is SO HARD to find light, bright winter sweaters and I am tired of navy blue. So far this sweater is the only thing I’ve worn- twice! But… a friend just gifted me the most adorable eyelet skirt that I think will look cute with the coral stripe shirt. Easter outfit!

Can I say when I got home and looked at this cheerful mix of patterns and color my spirit soared. It’s just happy!

The weather is warming up so I will be able to wear the other shirts soon. This green one I got specifically to wear at my 4-H Fair this summer. Loving the gold clovers and the swirly butterfly details and I think the families will enjoy it too.

Do you like thrifting? Where’s your favorite thrifting place? Let us know in the comments your most recent thrift store score!