Goals for the New Year 2022

Every new year brings new goals and personal growth. Here is what we are aiming for in 2022!

Tangerine Tea:

I love a fresh start. At the beginning of every calendar year, and around my birthday, I set new goals for myself. I love the feeling of possibilities.

For 2022, I have two lists; one for things I want to achieve, and one for general things I want to do.

Things I want to acheive:
  1. Keep up with eating healthy and going to the gym regularly
  2. Start grad school
  3. Buy a house
  4. Be more present
Things I want to do:
  1. Get more tattoos
  2. Read more
  3. Capture more memories in photos and videos
  4. Learn to play guitar
  5. Journal every day of 2022

When I’m journaling this year, I am also recording what day of the year it is, ie 1/365. I think it will be interesting to see how long it takes me to do stuff and to see what day I did when. Like, what will I do on day 283??

I feel so optimistic about this year, which is why I felt like making a longer list than normal. Some of these things is about actively making the time to do. Some will be a lot of work. The past two years I have been less productive with my bigger goals and person improvements, so I am ready to work on these lists!

I will be excited to revisit this post at the end of the year and see what I was able to check off my lists!

Winter Bee:

I’ve been a scrapbooker for some time, and in 2006 I took a selfie (before there was such a thing LOL) and made a page of my resolutions for the coming year. I did the same in 2007, and I’ve carried that tradition now for 16 years! I have a 12×12 frame and I hang my New Year’s page in my home office, as a reminder as I go through the year.

There’s an interesting progression of how I approached each new year. I gradually stopped writing down the things I should do (exercise, drink more water) and started looking at personality traits that I wanted to work on, or sometimes a particular skill (like in 2015 my goal was “Embrace Technology”), a change in my outlook or trying to be less consumer-oriented. And I usually focused on just one thing.

While I was making my scrapbook page for 2015, ‘Embrace Technology,’ I thought, I need some way of documenting whether or not I achieved my goal. Did it work out how I envisioned, did I tank, or did it end up somewhere I never imagined? So now I have step two of my New Year goals.

On to 2022

Sometime in December I start thinking about the upcoming year and what I wish for myself. It’s amazing to me that an idea or word or phrase will come into my life and I will just know this is it.

I participated in the 2021 #Adventword and when I read the devotion for the word #fullfill, this phrase leapt out at me, and my thoughts returned to it again and again. “Fulfilling our calling might simply mean to walk the way of love, serving as ambassadors of God’s loving-kindness in our local communities and the world.” (author Mary Foster Palmer)

And there I have it- my 2022 mantra is to walk the way of love.

This feels a little scary to me, as well as exciting. Its one of my greatest joys to show love by giving away flowers, hugs, and encouraging others. But love also calls us to dark places. Sometimes a commitment to love means being uncomfortable, vulnerable, or finding something lovable in someone you just might not like at all.

Anyway, a year filled with love sounds like it will be a wonderful year, don’t you think?

Do you have New Year Resolutions, intentions, or goals? How far do you get? Do you have any ritual (like journaling, scrapbooking, art or photographs- or even cleaning) that marks the new year?

2 thoughts on “Goals for the New Year 2022

  1. Winter Bee I love this approach to New Year’s. Finding that one thing that speaks to us also helps clarify values I think. What a gentle, specific and compassionate step forward.

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