Walmart Impulse Shopping and Try On

I stopped in at Walmart to pick up a few things and wandered through the clothing section. Hopefully I’m not the only one who goes in for 3 things and comes with 87!

There were a few things in my color palette- hard to find in fall when everything is mustardy, dark greens, and dark teals.

I picked up a sweatshirt, purple jeggings, and a paperbag waist skirt just because I wanted to try one on. The blue yoga leggings in the photo are from Land’s End, and I did that try on at the same time.

The Try On

I went with the blue yoga pants first. I’m on a mission for a pair of navy leggings to wear under dresses and not having much luck. My go to is 90 Degrees by Reflex and but seems all the L/XL navy ones are sold out everywhere! These leggings are labeled ‘compression’ and a few of the reviews said they were really tight. I took that with a grain of salt because ya know, my thighs could use a bit of compression anyway.

They weren’t joking. It was sausage legs in an XL so those are going back asap. Thank goodness Land’s End has a great return policy.

Next the purple jeggings. These fit okay in the legs but I would have to wear tunics and long shirts only with them. I don’t have any skirts or dresses that would go with the color (even though I love it) so those will be returned.

I’m disappointed in the fit of the sweatshirt. I really want something to wear hanging around the house but this just looks sloppy. The sleeves are way too long and it’s really not flattering around the middle!

The paperbag waist skirt I quite liked. Now that is a big surprise because with my shape I can’t really do too much extra fabric in my waist and hips. At first I had the top of the skirt sitting at my waist and that looked strange, so I pulled it up higher. That was a ‘duh’ moment since why I wouldn’t put the belt around my waist to begin with?

The downside is the skirt is clearly pleather but it doesn’t look as fake as some items I’ve seen. It’s very soft and doesn’t feel sticky or plasticky. I’m wondering how it will wash.

Another plus is the low cost for purchasing a clothing trend. The paperbag waist is having a moment, but I doubt it will be lasting. It’s not worth spending top dollar on a clothing item that will be dated by next summer.

I am going to bring this one back but only so I can try on the large and compare. The x-large feels a tad too bulky but maybe that’s the the cut. The lighting in my closet is terrible but I think this skirt is very flattering!

The Returns

So everything went back and don’t you know they didn’t have the skirt! I’m hoping to try another store or else I’ll have to get on-line. Isn’t that the way sometimes?

Yay! I went to another Walmart and they had the skirts! So here is the first wear. I do like it better with just the plain tee shirt but it’s November and I needed a little bit more to keep off the chill.

Not a fan of the bootie but will be back into regular shoes soon, I hope!

So has anyone tried a paperbag waist skirt or trousers? How did it work for you? We’d love to know!