September Thrifting

We took a spur of the moment Goodwill trip to a store about hour away from where we live. Unlike a retail store where the merchandise is always the same no matter what store you’re in, shopping at different thrift stores means you never find the same thing twice!

It’s the time to change the summer to fall closet and we both needed wanted a few new things to liven up the autumn vibe.

What we found there

Tangerine Tea:

Rachel has the best luck finding shoes!

When I saw these shoes, I knew I had to have them. I love vintage-y looking clothes and trying to pair them with more modern clothing. I have been able to pair these beautifully with a brown paisley button down and a brown seude skirt!

I usually find a lot of pieces that I love when we go thrifting. I did this time, except many things were not in my size. So I only left with just a few pieces, including the above shoes, vertical striped pants, a vintage pastel sweater, and a handmade plaid skirt.

I love these pants, but I bought them not knowing when I would ever wear them (possibly a bad habit). Thanksgiving morning I woke up and imagined the perfect Thanksgiving outfit! I knew these pants would go beautifully with this sweater! This outfit is not only stylish, but it was so comfy. With the drawstring waist, these pants could be let out a little to accomodate all the yummy Thanksgiving food. These pants were a total win, even if it took me a couple months to finally wear them.

I definitely felt in the fall spirit buying a couple pieces that were brown. Now I need to put together more outfits that feature these pants. The pastel sweater and plaid skirt give more of a winter wardrobe vibe. They may appear in a future blog!

Winter Bee:

There wasn’t any great finds for me on this trip. I tried on maybe half a dozen things but took home only this one sweater vest and scarf.

A while back I was in a doctors waiting room and there was a woman there wearing a sleeveless Sherpa duster with an off-white sweater, tan pants, and brown booties and She. Looked. Fabulous. I want that outfit! Even though I don’t wear neutrals often that outfit just spoke to me.

This vest is the closest thing I’ve found to re-creating that outfit- so far. Now I’m on a mission for a pair of tan or brown pants- preferably jeans but they are crazy hard to find. And the Holy Grail of the Sherpa duster!

I picked up the scarf because I’m trying new scarfy things. More on that project later!

Here’s how I’ve styled them so far. I need to get creative with the duster though. This my only wear and it’s November!

Have you ever seen an outfit on someone and copied it? Let us know in the comments!