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Look! I Saved Some Money! And it was almost painless.

First, to point out the elephant in the room: it’s been a hot minute since you heard from me, and I’m alive and well and spent most of the last year working on the flower farm (Winter Bee Garden). I’ve continued to refine and explore my personal style, DIY projects, and decorating, so I’m taking you along again on my…

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Trying a New Look- And It Didn’t Work

I decided to take a renewed interest in my ‘Retirement Style’ beginning late summer of 2023. This winter I started intentionally purchasing clothes that were out of my usual comfort zone, and experimenting with piecing together new looks. And not every new look is going to look good! I’m writing this blog post to encourage you to try some new…

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Clothes Hacks to Fit my Style

One of the reasons I like shopping thrift stores is the affordable opportunity to alter clothes, and sometimes home goods, to fit my style. If it’s not too expensive an item, I don’t have to feel badly if the hack goes sour and I ruin it. I have been known to try too big an alteration and end up with…

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Summer to Fall Wardrobe Transition

Before you start shopping for fall weather clothes, switch out your closet first! We can’t believe (or remember) all the clothes packed away at the start of spring. Do you unpack the drawers or extra closet and think “I forgot I had this!” or “I’m glad I didn’t go buy an [insert what you wanted], because look! I have one…

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The Hunt for the Perfect Jeans

With Fall’s arrival and the temperatures dropping, it’s time to pull out the jeans. We have our favorite brands, but there is always the elusive perfect fit and color that keeps us checking out the racks at our favorite thrift stores. Winter Bee I am happy with dark wash jeans, but every so often I like to brighten things up…

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Dresses for 2022

We are revisiting our dress selection in our closets, this time for summer! Here is what we are wearing. Tangerine Tea While I am proud to say I still have all the dresses that I posted about last spring (check that out here), I do have some more I’d love to share! First I want to start with my favorite…

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OOTD: Work Week Edition

Every job has a different dress code. How do you decide what to wear on a daily basis? Your fashionistas are here to give you the scoop on what a work week wardrobe looks like! Tangerine Tea: I work in an office 4 of the 5 work days. When I’m in the office, I dress business casual. I feel like…

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Figuring Out Cost Per Wear

The impact Fast Fashion has on our planet is a heavy one. Slow fashion and sustainable shopping habits are becoming more wide-spread. One way to track the real cost of what you wear is by paying attention to your Cost Per Wear (CPW). CPW is a simple formula- start with the cost of an item of clothing or jewelry (include…

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How We Exercise(ish)

Back when we published our goals for 2022 (you can read it here), Tangerine Tea wrote one of her goals was to go to the gym regularly. Winter Bee stopped making that a resolution since she knows she’ll never keep it. (hence the ish of the title!). So how are we doing at our goals, and in body health in…

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First Thrifting Trip of 2022

It was another impulse trip to Goodwill. Every time we meet up for breakfast there’s time to kill before Rachel’s nail appointment so guess where we go! WinterBee I found a couple of shirts I liked. It’s challenging finding tunic shirts now they’ve gone ‘out of style’. I love that look and I feel great wearing tunics or dresses with…

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